Classic Comedies:

Funniest Movie
Moments and Scenes


Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

Babe (1995)

  • the remarkable talking animals (including the sheepdog, the duck, the elderly ewe, the trio of singing mice, and runty, orphaned piglet Babe)
  • the rousing, joyous and fun storybook finale in which sheep-herding, talking pig Babe was victorious (with the password Baah Ram Ewe) and outperformed all his competitors in the prestigious National Sheepdog Championships contest
  • the simple congratulatory words of kind-hearted, prideful owner Farmer Arthur Hoggett (James Cromwell): "That'll do, pig, that'll do"

The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947)

  • the opening court scene in this romantic comedy in which Richard "Dickie" Nugent (Cary Grant) - a bachelor-playboy - was arrested after a brawl in a LA nightclub (instigated by two women fighting over his attentions), but then released by presiding, serious-minded, single Judge Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy)
  • afterwards, Nugent delivered a lecture to high-school students on art, and then was interviewed for the HS newspaper by infatuated teenager Susan Turner (a grown-up Shirley Temple), who happened to be the ward and younger sister of Judge Turner
Susan with Boyfriend Jerry White at School Lecture
The "Bachelor" and the Infatuated "Bobby-Soxer"
Susan Imagining 'Dickie' Nugent as Her "Knight in Shining Armor"
  • after interviewing Nugent, Susan imagined him as her 'knight in shining armor' - literally - as he walked away from her; and soon after, she confessed to her sister: "I'm in love with him - don't you realize that?"
  • another similar court case occurred (Nugent slugged Judge Turner's hopeful boyfriend ADA Tommy Chamberlain (Rudy Vallee) in the nose) and he was again called before Judge Turner, who to his utter surprise and against her "better judgment," sentenced him to date Susan; her objective was to 'cure' or end Susan's romantic interest (as the Judge stated: "Just until she gets over you" and her feelings wear out); to complicate matters, both sisters had boyfriends who were jealous of Nugent
  • the first of many instances of the repeated exchange - a hip sing-song dialogue; it was first recited between Nugent and Susan when he arrived to pick her up for the high school picnic: - "Ready poot, let's scoot." - "Greet." - "Greet." - "You remind me of a man." - "What man?" - "A man with the power." - "What power?" - "The power of hoo-do." - "Hoo-do?" - "You do." - "Do what?" - "You remind me of a man." - "What man?" - "A man with the power." - "What power?"
  • the scene at a high school picnic, where Richard was competing with other juveniles in an obstacle course race, and Susan helped to enable Dickie to win (with the assistance of her boyfriend Jerry White (Johnny Sands))
  • in the Tick Tock Club scene after Judge Turner had invited Nugent to dinner and dancing, the elegantly-dressed couple were constantly interrupted on the dance floor and at their table by various group renditions of "Happy Birthday" and "Happy Anniversary", and by a succession of individuals, including Susan and her boyfriend Jerry (who had just been drafted), the Judge's aspiring boyfriend ADA Tommy Chamberlain, and by one of Richard's former girlfriends Agnes Prescott (Veda Ann Borg)
Restaurant Dinner Scene
  • the evening soon spun out of control; exasperated, Judge Turner reprimanded 'Dickie': "I've had enough of this and I've had enough of you. Everywhere you go, you attract trouble!" and then stormed off before everybody exited; left alone at the table, the waiter came by and asked Nugent (who had been doused by an overturned glass): "Would there be anything else?" - and Nugent replied: "For instance?"; Susan was soon convinced to return to her appropriately-aged boyfriend Jerry
  • in the final scene at the airport, the reluctant Margaret and Richard were set up by court psychiatrist Matt Beemish (Ray Collins) to board the same TWA airplane - and spend vacation time together in Chicago; when they realized they would be fellow passengers at the gate, Margaret turned to him and initiated the familiar conversation beginning with: "You remind me of a man"; she ended the recitation with the question: "Give up?" - he quickly replied "Give up. Let's go" and took her arm

Judge Turner (Myrna Loy)

Richard Nugent (Cary Grant) Before Judge Turner

Judge Turner with Hopeful Boyfriend, ADA Tommy Chamberlain (Rudy Vallee)

Nugent Awkwardly Dating Susan - At a Basketball Game

Nugent and Susan Reciting: "You remind me of a man" Exchange

Dickie Winning at Rigged Obstacle Course Race

Final Scene at Airport Boarding Gate

The Bad News Bears (1976)

  • Michael Ritchie's realistic, underdog baseball sports comedy-movie, an un-PC mid-1970s classic, told about the failing Little League team of the Bears from LA's San Fernando Valley, coached by washed-up, drunken, hang-dog, ex-minor leaguer and professional pool cleaner Morris Buttermaker (Walter Matthau)
  • during the team's first practice, Buttermaker complained to his obnoxious and chubby catcher Mike Engelberg (Gary Lee Cavagnaro): "There's chocolate all over this ball"
  • Buttermaker's exasperation at the talentless team when no one moved to pick up a B-U-N-T, and then catcher Engelberg made a wild throw to first base and broke his parked convertible's front windshield; simmering with anger, Buttermaker delivered a run-down of the basic rules of baseball by his car: "All right, boys. Let's get back to basics. This is a baseball. The object of the game is to keep the baseball within the confines of the playing field"
  • the rag-tag misfit team of real juvenile "bad news" ball players that was eventually assembled had anti-authoritarian attitudes, obnoxious behavior, and obscene language: profanity-spewing, racist-talking, short-tempered shortstop Tanner Boyle (Chris Barnes), nerdy, stats-obsessed Alfred Ogilvie (Alfred W. Lutter), booger-eating, bullied and withdrawn outcast Timmy Lupus (Quinn Smith), and Harley-Davidson-riding, cigarette-smoking trouble-maker Kelly Leak (Jackie Earle Haley)
  • Tanner delivered a demeaning insult to his entire team: "All we got on this team is a bunch of Jews, spics, niggers, pansies, and a booger-eatin' moron" - followed by teammate Alfred's clever warning: "Tanner, I think you should be reminded from time to time that you're one of the few people on this team who's not a Jew, spic, nigger, pansy, or booger-eating moron. So you better cool it, or we may be disposed to beat the crap outta you"
  • the scene of Buttermaker's first talk with 11 year-old, tough-talking Amanda Whurlizer (Tatum O'Neal) (the daughter of one of Buttermaker's ex-girlfriends), he used to coach her fast-ball pitching a few years earlier; Amanda was initially opposed to speaking to coach Buttermaker about being on his team: "I'm through with pitching. My mom says you almost ruined me with that, that sports stuff...That fast ball you taught me put my arm in a sling"
  • Amanda blamed him for his irresponsible behavior and frequent drunkenness, his role as a 'father figure,' and ultimately his failed relationship with her mother: "You handled it like s--t...Look, Buttermaker, you're not my father and I ain't interested in playing baseball for you any more. So why don't you get back into that sardine can of yours and go, go vacuum the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? I've got business to take care of. You're blocking my customers with your car" - she resumed selling maps to movie-stars' homes
  • during a second visit with Amanda, Buttermarker doggedly recruited the reluctant Amanda who insisted she was through being a tomboy, and was an aspiring model who was starting ballet lessons; she was convincing: "I'm almost 12, and I'll, I'll be getting a bra soon. Well, maybe in a year or so. I can't be playing no dumb baseball"
  • remaining dogged, he downplayed his interest in her: "You're right. You're absolutely right. You're turning into a regular little lady. It was a dumb idea anyway. I mean, you wouldn't have helped the team much. I mean, you were great when you were 9, but girls reach their peak athletically about that age. Probably haven't picked up a ball in two years anyway"; Amanda spoke up and bragged about how she was actually practicing her pitching in secret: "Got my curve breaking 2 1/2 feet"; they agreed on a bet of $20 dollars for her to prove it"; he knew he had her hooked when she started throwing pitches at him
  • while riding in his car, she still acted resistant and bargained for favors and incentives, such as paid ballet and modeling lessons, and imported French jeans; Buttermaker complained: "Who do you think you are, Catfish Hunter?", but she didn't know who he was ("Who's he?"); he was able to convince her to join the team - the team's only girl - and a curve-ball pitcher
  • when she was brought to the team and introduced, Tanner demeaned Amanda: "Jews, spics, niggers, and now a girl?" - she shot back: "Grab a bat, punk!"
  • the sequence of Buttermaker's enforcement of the league rule that everyone on the team had to wear a cup and an athletic supporter: "Either you wear 'em or you don't play"; Amanda asserted: "You ain't strapping one of these things on me," followed by the entire team's refusal: "If she don't wear one, I don't wear one" - they all tossed their boxes of supporters back at the coach
  • the climactic, exciting championship game against the Bears' arch-rivals, the Yankees - during the game, Amanda was kicked in the chest during a spiked slide and play at home plate when she backed up the catcher, leading to a major fight between her team to defend her against their rivals; she told Buttermaker: ("I know I don't have too much up there, but what I got sure don't feel too good")
  • during the game, demanding and competitive coach Roy Turner (Vic Morrow) reprimanded his pitcher son Joey Turner (Brandon Cruz) for almost beaning Bears' catcher Engelberg at bat with a wild pitch; after coach Turner slapped his son to the ground, on the next pitch, Joey allowed a ground ball to the pitcher's mound to become an inside-the-park homerun by holding onto the ball, to retaliate against and defy his father; as he left the park, he dropped the ball at his father's feet
  • by game's end, it was lost narrowly by the Bears (by only one run, 7-6) who were awarded a smaller second-place trophy; one of the Yankee players spoke up: "You guys played a good game. And we treated you pretty unfair all season. We want to apologize. We still don't think you're all that good a baseball team. You got guts, alla ya"
  • the defeated team refused to acknowledge the win; Lupus tossed their small trophy at the condescending winners as Tanner yelled out: "Hey Yankees. You can take your apology and your trophy and shove it straight up your ass!"; the shy Lupus challenged them: "And another thing, just wait 'til next year," and then the Bears players celebrated and doused themselves with beer (as if they had won the game) - as the film concluded

Bananas (1971)

  • the opening scene of the play-by-play commentary of a Latin-American president's "live, on-the-spot assassination", in the Republic of San Marcos, on the outdoor palace steps for ABC's Wide World of Sports - provided by sportscaster announcer Howard Cosell (Himself), as he asked the dying leader: "Well, of course, you're upset, and that's understandable under the circumstances. l guess now you'll have to announce your retirement"
  • the scenes of clumsy, anxiety-ridden nerd Fielding Mellish (Woody Allen) serving as a guinea-pig for his company's strange inventions as a consumer product tester with a malfunctioning, sedentary exercise-machine ("The Execu-cisor")
  • aspiring playboy Fielding's nervous purchase of a porno magazine (camouflaged by other more intellectual publications such as Time Magazine, Commentary, Saturday Review, and Newsweek) and his embarrassment when a shop dealer made it obvious to other respectable, disapproving customers that he was purchasing a pornographic magazine - and his cringing when his order was screamed out by the clerk: ("Hey Ralph? How much is a copy of Orgasm?...Orgasm. This man wants to buy a copy. How much is it?"); Fielding stuttered: "Doing a sociological study on perversion. l'm up to advanced child molesting"
  • Fielding's unsuccessful attempt and cowardice to protect an old woman during a subway mugging by two thugs (including a young Sylvester Stallone in his screen debut)
  • his breakup with red-headed radical Nancy (Louise Lasser) and his whining: (Fielding: "How am I immature?" Nancy: "Well...intellectually, emotionally and sexually." Fielding: "Yeah, but in what other ways?")
  • the scenes of Fielding's involvement as a fake-bearded revolutionary guerrilla in the tiny Latin American banana republic of San Marcos as the guest of dictator Gen. Emilio M. Vargas (Carlos Montalban), and his capture by the guerrillas
  • the scene of nebbish Fielding viewing a half-naked woman clutching her left breast and crying out: "I got bitten by a snake" - after he had learned about first-aid treatment for snakebite: ("In the event of snake-bite, you make an incision and you suck out the poison - remember, you suck out the poison"); with a huge grin on his face, he pursued her greedily and lasciviously, and was followed by the rest of the rebel camp
  • the scene of a dinner toast when he tensely began chewing on his glass
  • his to-go ordering of almost one thousand grilled cheese sandwiches and seven hundred cups of coffee for his troops at a lunch counter during a South American revolution before being installed as El Presidente
  • the torture scene when soldiers forced a man to listen to the score of Naughty Marietta
  • the grossly inappropriate speech to upper class dignitaries given by Fielding, now El Presidente of San Marcos and wearing a ridiculous fake red beard, at a high society fundraiser: "Uh, we have more locusts than...uh, locusts of all races and creeds. These, these locusts, incidentally, are available at popular prices. And so, by the way, are most of the women of San Marcos..."
  • his US trial scene in which he cross-examined himself and objected to the judge during his trial for treason in the US: ("l object, Your Honor. This trial is a travesty. lt's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. l move for a mistrial. Do you realize there's not a single homosexual on that jury")
  • the closing televised Fielding Mellish Honeymoon Night broadcast (on Wide World of Sports) that was viewed as a boxing match by commentator Howard Cosell, in which Nancy admitted: "Well, Howard, it all went by so fast. I just had no idea that it would be so quick, really. I was expecting a longer bout... Well, as you know, l'm extraordinarily ticklish so l had a kind of a rough time there. l couldn't stop laughing...And you know, l thought it would really get in my way. But l really trained well for this and l think it sort of held me, so there really wasn't any time that l didn't feel in complete control." Then she added: "The timing was a little off, but l think he'll be fine. I mean, he's not the worst l've had. Not the best, but not the worst."

The Bank Dick (1940)

  • the words of advice given by Lompoc resident Egbert Souse (W.C. Fields) to his future son-in-law Og Oggilby (Grady Sutton) - "Surely, don't be a luddie-duddie, don't be a moon-calf, don't be a jabbernow, you're not those, are you?"
  • the scene when Egbert was hired as a vigilant bank security dick - he choked a young boy in a cowboy outfit waving a toy gun - believing that he was a holdup man - as the bratty boy walked out of the bank, he ridiculed the guard's shiny, bulbous red nose: "Mommy, doesn't that man have a funny nose?" His mother chided him for making fun: "You mustn't make fun of the gentleman, Clifford. You'd like to have a nose like that full of nickels, wouldn't you?"
  • Egbert's Black Pussy Cat Cafe drinking routine
  • Souse's use of a Mickey Finn to hold off effeminate, inquisitive and persistent bank examiner J. Pinkerton Snoopington (Franklin Pangborn)
  • and his memorable, zany, slapstick getaway car chase scene as a "hostage" with a terrified robber - it was a superbly-timed chase - the cars (Souse's car was followed by the local police, the bank president, and a representative from the movie company) zoomed and circled around, barely avoiding crashing into each other or other obstacles in the path - the getaway car careened through streets, over ditches (over the heads of ditchdiggers), around curves and up a mountainside, missing collisions at every turn with the pursuit vehicles.
  • when asked by the thug in the back seat to give him the wheel, Egbert matter-of-factly pulled it off the steering column and gave it to him
  • when the robber was struck unconscious and apprehended, Sousè was an unlikely hero once again for thwarting another heist


Bedazzled (1967, UK)

  • the character of Stanley Moon (Dudley Moore), a 28 year-old short-order cook at a London Wimpyburger, who loved from afar his co-worker waitress Margaret Spencer (Eleanor Bron); in voice-over, he expressed his infatuation for her: "I only live to hear your voice...Each time you speak, it's like a thousand violins playing in the halls of heaven. I-I love you, Miss Spencer. I love everything about you. The way you walk, your sweet smile, your easy grace and charm...I wish I could take you away from all this. I'd like us to start a new life together, a little house of our own, a car, the two of us against the world, joined forevermore in holy wedlock"
  • depressed over being spurned by Miss Spencer's love for six years, Stanley contemplated hanging himself; he was presented with a Faustian bargain by Satan/Fallen Angel (Peter Cook) (aka George Spiggott) after "an unsuccessful suicide bid"; Stanley complained about his lot in life: "I'm miserable. I've got a boring job, no money, no prospects. I haven't got a girlfriend, I can't get to know anyone, and no one wants to get to know me, and everything is hopeless"; Stanley was tempted by the self-named "horned one" - with alternate names including the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, and Lucifer: "Everything you've ever seen in the advertisements. Fast, white convertibles, blonde women, their hair trailing in the wind, wafer-thin after-dinner chocolates. If you had all that, would you be any happier?"
  • in exchange for his soul ("I collect souls. I'd like to add yours to my collection...And all I want from you is the exclusive global and universal rights to it"), Stanley was offered seven wishes and he accepted; however, there were many ingenious ways that with each of Stanley's seven wishes, signaled by the phrase: "Julie Andrews!", he was tricked and double-crossed by Satan; for example, before signing a contract with the Devil, Stanley's innocent request for "a Frobisher and Gleason raspberry-flavored ice lolly" was called a trial wish, but was counted as one of his seven wishes
  • in each of his attempts to win over Margaret, Stanley tried different approaches: as a pretentious "articulate" intellectual with a Welsh accent, as a "multimillionaire" industrialist/businessman, as a pop-singing rock star, and as a student, but all his efforts failed; when Stanley wished to be "a fly on the wall", he literally became one; in another instance, both Stanley and Margaret became nuns who expressed lesbian love for each other but could not be fulfilled (Margaret: "Whatever it is that draws us together we must cast out. It is unnatural and wrong...It is wrong, and I'm so ashamed to break my vow")
  • the character of "Lilian" Lust (Raquel Welch) (known as "the babe with the bust"), the living Personification of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, who requested that Stanley help her to unbutton her blouse, to reveal her red bra and bikini underwear: ("I seem to be all thumbs this mornin'. Oh, I find clothes so constructin'. We must allow our pores to breathe. Oh, that's better"), and then held him close to her breasts and asked: "Can you hear my pores breathe? Listen. Would you like a nibble?"; she was referring to an offer of breakfast in bed: "Why, you must be ravenous. Would you like orange juice?....Or a succulent, sun-ripe, whole pineapple? But you have to be careful of the prickles....Do you like it in bed?"; she jumped in bed with him (admired the overhead mirror: "Don't we make a pretty pair?"), and continued seducing him as she served him coffee and toast: "Strong, black and sweet. Two mountainous spoons full. Hot toast or buttered buns?...Oh, I love a man who knows what he wants. Do you crave marmalade or honey?...Ohh! I do so love the smell of honey on a man's lips" (she smeared honey on his lips for a kiss)
  • after giving back Stanley's soul to him as "a very magnanimous gesture," the curtain closing curse that the revengeful Spiggot delivered to God: "All right, you great git, you've asked for it. I'll cover the world in Tastee-Freez and Wimpy Burgers. I'll fill it with concrete runways, motorways, aircraft, television, automobiles, advertising, plastic flowers, frozen food and supersonic bangs. I'll make it so noisy and disgusting that even you'll be ashamed of yourself! No wonder you've so few friends; you're unbelievable!"

Beerfest (2006)

  • in Broken Lizard's beer-themed comedy about alcohol abuse and competitive binge drinking (a la "Fight Club"), the opening scene of a video projected at the funeral of German-born patriarch Johann von Wolfhaus (Donald Sutherland), who in his own pre-taped eulogy admitted that he had "croaked"; he went on: "Now I will never know what happens on The Young and the Restless" - toasted with a beer stein, showed off his leiderhosen-wearing German doll Popo, and encouraged his grand-sons Todd and Jan to carry on the family traditions by spreading his ashes in Munich, Germany during the Oktoberfest Festival
  • male prostitute Barry Badrinath's (Jay Chandrasekhar) run-down of fees for different sexual acts: "It's $10 for a BJ, $12 for an HJ, $15 for a ZJ..."; when asked what a ZJ was, he responded: "If you have to ask, big man, ya can't afford it"
  • the nightclub scene of a completely-soused Barry ("Asshole") in the men's room, believing that he had been completely transformed into an alternate persona -- a hot Saturday Night Fever dancer ("Lookin' good...You handsome motherf--ker!"); he strutted over to a woman on the dance floor, and thinking he was cool and suave, delivered the question: "Ho, ho, ho - we gotta get you out of those wet clothes, and into a dry martini" - she responded with disgust: "What? Get away from me!"
  • the following scene of Barry's pick-up of a sexy female in a red dress for "a little slap and tickle" but she was really Cherry (Mo'Nique), Great Gam Gam's (Cloris Leachman) overweight assistant - and their night of sex wasn't anything like he thought it was, in flashback
  • the sight of the drinking team riding a 5-man bicycle ("What a great morning!")
  • the introduction of the Swedish Beerfest drinking team, who displayed their assets by flashing their breasts
  • in the finale during the closing credits, the surprise appearance of Willie Nelson (as Himself) wandering in an Amsterdam alleyway; he explained to the drinking team how he was competing in a super-secret international pot smoking competition and that his partners Cheech & Chong had deserted him: "I was invited over here for this big, secret international, pot-smoking competition. And my teammates, Cheech and Chong, chickened out on me. They wouldn't fly in my biodiesel airplane, and the smoke-out's in 30 minutes and I don't wanna get disqualified. Now, you guys don't wanna be my teammates, do ya?"; and then he told them a joke: "Did you hear the one about the guy who told his son: 'Hey, if you don't quit masturbating, you're gonna go blind.' He said: 'Dad, I'm over here.'"

Beetlejuice (1988)

  • after a fatal car accident that killed the newly-wed Maitlands: Adam (Alec Baldwin) and Barbara (Geena Davis), the scene of their other-worldly (or netherworld) waiting room full of other recently-dead and distressed clients, especially the explorer with a shrunken head and ping pong ball eyes
  • the hosted dinner party (song and dance) scene of the recently-deceased Maitlands and their haunted 'parlor trick' in which they attempted to spook and dislodge the yuppie Deetz family, now living in their Connecticut home, by having obnoxious wife Delia Deetz (Catherine O'Hara) belt out the calypso "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" - in Harry Belafonte's voice
  • the character of goth, black-clad teenaged Deetz daughter, Lydia (Winona Ryder), a photographer, from Charles Deetz' (Jeffrey Jones) first marriage - and the object of Beetlejuice's affection, and the only living person who could see the ghostly Maitlands (whom she met when they were first wearing sheets) - she asked: "Are you gross under there? Are you Night of the Living Dead under there? Like all bloody veins and pus?"
  • the sight of Michael Keaton as the demonic, crude, yellow-haired, morbid, and over-the-top title character Betelgeuse (the "afterlife's leading bioexorcist") as a free-lance veteran scare-master, who advertised his services on television - "You Get a Free demon possession with Every Exorcism!"
  • the decaying view of Adam and Barbara - who after what they thought was a seance (conducted by the Deetz' interior designer Otho (Glenn Shadix)), were now transformed into exorcised, greenish decaying ghosts
  • the summoning of Beetlejuice by Lydia (by calling out his name three times) to help save the Maitlands in exchange for promising to marry him; with outstretched arms, he exhorted as lightning flashed: ("It's Showtime!") to get rid of Maxie Dean (Robert Goulet), Deetz's boss, and his wife, and also Otho; Beetlejuice grew inflated arms and propelled them through the ceiling (as if in a carnival's strong-man 'ring the bell' game)
  • the final scene in the waiting room with Betelgeuse's now-shrunken head (after a witch doctor sprinkled powder on him) and his hilarious, upbeat, but deadpanned statement about his messed-up hair: ("Whoa, hey! What are you doing? Hey, stop it! Hey, you're messing up my hair! C'mon! Whoa! Whoa! Stop it! Whoa! Hey, this might be a good look for me")
  • Lydia's pre-ending credits performance, suspended in mid-air, of "Jump in the Line (Shake Señora)", with singing by Harry Belafonte, after the Deetz's and the Maitlands found they could live in cooperative harmony in the house

Being There (1979)

  • the enigmatic character of illiterate, TV-watching gardener Chance the Gardener or Chauncey Gardiner (Peter Sellers) and his fool-turned-prophet transformation
  • black maid-cook Louise's (Ruth Attaway) cynical commentary on retarded Chance/Chauncey Gardiner's (Peter Sellers) rise to power
  • Dennis Watson's (Mitch Kreindel) hitting on Chauncey at a formal party with Chauncey's naive reply: "Is there a TV upstairs? I like to watch" and Dennis' delighted response: "You like to, uh, watch?... You wait right here. I'll go get Warren!"
  • Chauncey's simpleton lecture to President Bobby (Jack Warden) about how the garden grew: ("In a garden, growth has its season . . . as long as the roots are not severed, all will be well")
  • and the protracted "seduction scene" in which dying financier's wife Eve Rand (Shirley MacLaine), love-starved and seductive, desperately tried to arouse an unresponsive Chauncey - he only responded, with a shocking but understandable line, that he "like(s) to watch" - and "it's very good, Eve" and then sat on the end of the bed (oblivious to her) as she masturbated herself on the floor on top of a bear-skin rug
  • and the cryptic, mystical final shot of Chauncey strolling on water as his Presidential candidacy was discussed off-screen

Best in Show (2000)

  • the quirky and mockumentary interviews with different sets of neurotic and quirky dog owners, trainers, and pet psychologists, including salesman Gerry Fleck (Eugene Levy), cursed with two left feet (literally), and his wife Cookie (Catherine O'Hara) with their Norwich terrier "Winky" - and his astonishment when his wife admitted she had "hundreds" of boyfriends
  • the description of the relationship between young and very buxom trophy wife Sherri Ann Cabot (Jennifer Coolidge) and her very elderly 80 year-old husband Leslie (Patrick Cranshaw): ("We have an amazing relationship and it's very physical. I mean, he still pushes all my buttons. And uhm, you know, people say: 'Oh, but he's so much older than you.' And you know what? I'm the one having to push him away. We both have so much in common. We both love soup and uh, we love the outdoors, uh, we love snow peas, and uh, talking and not talking. Uh, we could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about")
  • wealthy, materialistic, and neurotic dog owners - yuppie catalogue lovers Meg Swan (Parker Posey) and Hamilton Swan (Michael Hitchcock), with matching sets of braces, who met at Starbucks: ("Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other") who were worried with their therapist that their Weimaraner "Beatrice" had been traumatized and was depressed after watching them have experimental Kama Sutra style sex: ("We got a book, Kama Sutra. I lit some candles and, uh, played some music and got myself in a position that wasn't, uh, very easy for me emotionally. Uhm, it's called the congress of the cow, uh, where, uh, the woman is bent over, the hands are on the floor, and the man is behind")
  • and at the show itself, the frenzied and panicked search of the Swans for their Weimaraner Beatrice's favorite "Busy Bee" toy - in the crate, back in their hotel room (Meg to hotel manager: "Of course I've looked under the bed, of course I've looked under the bed. That's where you look when you lose things...Thanks for your help, you stupid hotel manager!", and her additional tirade against a Latina cleaning house-keeping maid: "I know a man who has a van and he will take you back to exactly where you came from!"), etc. and Meg's frustrating search for a replacement toy in a pet store: ("No, that's a bear in a, in a bee costume...This?...This is a fish. This is a fish! You know what? Just shut up...I didn't ask for your opinion. I asked for a toy that you don't have!")
  • the characters of Christy Cummings (Jane Lynch) and Sherri Ann Cabot who created a magazine titled "American Bitch" designed specifically for lesbian pure-bred dog owners
  • the scene of Harlan Pepper (Christopher Guest) traveling to the road show with his bloodhound, in which he told a story about how he drove his mother mad by his unique talent of naming nuts: ("I used to be able to name every nut that there was. And it used to drive my mother crazy, because she used to say, 'Harlan Pepper, if you don't stop namin' nuts,' and the joke was, of course, that we lived in Pine Nut, and I think that's what put it in my head at that - at that point. So I'd go to sleep - she'd hear me in the other room and she would just start yellin'. I'd say: 'Peanut. Hazelnut. Cashew nut. Macadamia nut.' That was the one that would send her into goin' crazy. She'd say: 'Would you stop namin' nuts!' And Hubert used to be able to make the sound, and he wasn't talkin', but he used to go "rrrawr rrawr" and it sounded like Macadamia nut. Pine nut, which is a nut, but it's also the name of a town. Pistachio nut. Red pistachio nut. Natural, all natural white pistachio nut")
  • the national dog show itself, the 125th annual Mayflower Kennel Club's competition for the "Best in Show", emceed by the comical TV commentator Buck Laughlin (Fred Willard) and his long-suffering co-host Trevor Beckwith (Jim Piddock): ("When you look at how beautiful these dogs are, and to think that in some countries these dogs are eaten," and "If you're gonna put them on a football team, which would be your wide receiver, which would be your tight end? Who can go the farthest, the fastest?", and "Look at Scott! He is prancing along with the dog! Man, I tell you something, if you live in my neighborhood and you're dressed like that, you'd better be a hotel doorman", and "I don't think I ever could get used to being probed and prodded. I told my proctologist once: 'Hey, why don't you take me out to dinner and a movie sometime?'")

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

  • the character of comic, resourceful, street-smart renegade Detroit cop Axel Foley (on a working vacation in Southern California) by Eddie Murphy in this "fish-out-of-water" comedy
  • his loudmouth, streetwise character delivered fast-talking laughs in almost every scene
  • the hotel registration scene of Axel at the front desk of the overbooked luxury Beverly Palm Hotel, where he was posing as a Rolling Stone magazine reporter there to interview Michael Jackson; he was offered a suite by the flustered blonde desk clerk at the single-room rate ($235/night) after playing the race card: "Don't you think I realize what's going on here, miss? Who do you think I am, huh? Don't you think I know that if I was some hotshot from out of town that pulled inside here and you guys made a reservation mistake, I'd be the first one to get a room and I'd be upstairs relaxing right now. But I'm not some hotshot from out of town, I'm a small reporter from 'Rolling Stone' magazine that's in town to do an exclusive interview with Michael Jackson that's gonna be picked up by every major magazine in the country. I was gonna call the article 'Michael Jackson Is Sitting On Top of the World,' but now I think I might as well just call it 'Michael Jackson Can Sit On Top of the World Just As Long As He Doesn't Sit in the Beverly Palm Hotel 'Cause There's No Niggers Allowed in There!'"

Big (1988)

  • the scenes of a 13 year-old boy Josh Baskin (David Moscow) in the "big" body of a thirty-year-old man (Tom Hanks) after his wish to be "big" at a carnival machine came true
  • the joyous foot-tapping Heart and Soul and Chopsticks tap dances of teenaged Josh Baskin with toy executive boss "Mac" MacMillan (Robert Loggia) on a giant, floor-sized and mounted electronic piano keyboard in the main showroom of an F.A.O. Schwartz toy store
  • Josh's reaction to the hors d'oeuvres (miniature corn cobs) at a fancy office cocktail party
  • Josh's confused sexual relationship with sexy yuppie toy executive Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins), a top-level co-worker, who had asked to spend the night for a 'sleep-over' in bunk beds; and the sharing of his bunk bed with her - Susan: "I want to spend the night with you." Josh: "Do you mean sleep over?" Susan: "Well... yeah!" Josh (with a guileless reply): "Well, okay... but I get to be on top!"
  • also the tender, simple and innocent scene in which he gently touched her breast through her bra before kissing her
  • and in the conclusion, the final shot of Josh, after waving goodbye to Susan, transformed into a 13 year-old boy again (with clothes that now didn't fit him) - he ran toward his home, calling out: "Mom?...I missed you all so much"

Big Business (1929)

  • the famous silent short (two-reeler) in which door-to-door Christmas tree salesmen Stan (Stan Laurel) and Ollie (Oliver Hardy) got into an escalating vindictive fight with a disgruntled homeowner (James Finlayson), and ended up destroying his home and yard while he destroyed their car (and tree), as a policeman and other neighbors calmly watched

Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958, It.) (aka I Soliti Ignoti)

  • a wacky, satirical crime caper about an amateurish, inept and incompetent group of Italians who planned the perfect crime that ultimately went very wrong - the robbery of a pawnshop, masterminded by womanizing boxer Peppe (Vittorio Gassman) and accompanied by unemployed cameraless photographer and baby-minding Tiberio (Marcello Mastroianni), young rookie thief Mario (Renato Salvatori), hot-tempered Sicilian Ferribote (Tiberio Murgia), ex-jockey Capannelle (Carlo Pisacane) - and the gang's mentor Dante Cruciani (Italian stage star Toto) who offered ridiculous lessons on safecracking
  • the climactic scene of the break-in ended up being a complete failure

The Big Lebowski (1998)

  • the opening scene narrated by the Stranger (Sam Elliott) that introduced bearded hippie, disheveled, pot-smoking, slacker, unemployed slob Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski (Jeff Bridges), wandering in the aisles of a Los Angeles Ralph's grocery store late at night, and smelling a carton of Half & Half before writing a check for $.69 cents
  • Lebowski's return home to his Venice Beach (California) bungalow, where he was assaulted by two debt-collecting thugs (Mark Pellegrino) and Woo (Philip Moon), who alleged that The Dude owed them money: ("Don't f--k with us! Your wife owes money to Jackie Treehorn. That means you owe money to Jackie Treehorn") - they roughed him up and then Woo peed on the Dude's favorite carpet: (The Dude complained: "No, no, don't do that! Not on the rug, man"), but then after realizing that the Dude was the wrong individual, the goons took off: ("He looks like a f--kin' loser...F--king time wasted. Thanks a lot, asshole")
  • the Dude's commiseration with his bowling buddies, uptight nutcase Vietnam war veteran Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) and ex-surfer Donny (Steve Buscemi), about his ruined, valued rug that was peeded upon by the Chinaman Woo ("Yeah, man, it really tied the room together")
  • the scene in which The Dude, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, complained and demanded compensation from wheel-chair bound philanthropist, Pasadena, CA millionaire Jeffrey 'The Big' Lebowski (David Huddleston), his namesake, for the mistaken attack by two hoods (due to a mix-up of addresses for "Lebowski"), that were really targeting Mr. Lebowski's indebted, promiscuous trophy wife Bunny (Tara Reid), a porn actress
  • the Dude's introduction of himself to "The Big" Lebowski: ("You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, uh, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or uh, you know, El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing")
  • Mr. Lebowski's employment advice to the laid-back Dude - who then briefly answered: "Oh, F--k it!" and left: ("My wife is not the issue here! I hope that someday my wife will learn to live on her allowance, which is ample, but if she does not, that is her problem, not mine, just as the rug is your problem, just as every bum's lot in life is his own responsibility, regardless of who he chooses to blame. I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs. Some Chinaman took them from me in Korea. But I went out and achieved anyway. I cannot solve your problems, sir, only you can....Yes, that's your answer. That's your answer to everything. Tattoo it on your forehead. Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski! Condolences! The bums lost! My advice to you is to do what your parents did! Get a job, sir! The bums will always lose! Do you hear me, Lebowski?! The bums will always lose!")
  • on his way out of the Lebowski estate, the Dude's meeting up with the millionaire's sexy young wife Bunny, a free-spirited nymphomaniac, and one of the porn stars of sleaze king mobster Jackie Treehorn (Ben Gazzara); while painting her toenails, she offered the Dude: ("I'll suck your cock for $1,000 dollars")
  • the scene of living erotic art exhibited by Mr. Lebowski's estranged daughter Maude Lebowski (Julianne Moore), an eccentric, super-stoic, avante-garde feminist artist, who delivered a "vagina monologue": ("Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?...My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal, which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina....Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say, whereas without batting an eye, a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson")
  • the Dude's fantasy, Busby-Berkeley inspired musical dream sequence of bowling called 'Gutterballs' after being slipped a mickey in his White Russian cocktail by Jackie Treehorn - filled with images including the Viking Queen, Saddam Hussein, and bowling
  • the bowling alley scene in which competitive, flamboyant, lavender-jump-suited Latino bowler Jesus Quintana (John Turturro) (with a long painted pinky fingernail on one of his ring-laden fingers, who seductively licked his bowling ball) rolled a strike, then did a strange victory dance to the Spanish-tinged tune of Hotel California; then he threatened the Dude: "Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy s--t with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the f--kin' trigger 'til it goes click....Nobody f--ks with the Jesus..."
  • Walter had nothing but bad things to say about Jesus: "He's a sex offender with a record. He did six months in Chino for exposin' himself to an eight year old...When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast"; of course, Donny asked: "What's a pederast, Walter?" and was rebuked as usual: "Shut the f--k up, Donny"
  • the other scary scene at the bowling alley in which the Dude's bowling buddy Walter told rival bowler Smokey (Jimmie Dale Gilmore) that he had committed a minor infraction of bowling league rules by fouling over the line - accompanied by gun-wielding threats: "You're entering a world of pain" and "Mark it zero"
  • the scene of the scattering of Donny's cremated ashes (in a Folger's coffee can), who had suffered a fatal heart attack, with Walter's rambling eulogy: ("Donny was a good bowler and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors and bowling. And as a surfer, he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died, he died, as so many men of his generation, before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright, flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Lan Doc, and Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. So did Donny. Donny who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Karabatsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince"); however, the breeze blew the ashes back - and all over the Dude's face

Billy Madison (1995)

  • the sequence of Billy Madison's (Adam Sandler) academic decathlon speech, when the category of "REFLECTIONS OF SOCIETY IN LITERATURE" was chosen for a question; he compared the Industrial Revolution to a children's story: The Puppy Who Lost His Way ("...the puppy was like industry. In that, they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - society - knew where to find them. Except that the puppy was a dog. But the industry, my friends, that was a revolution"); the Principal delivered a blistering criticism of Billy's speech: "Mr. Madison, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul"; Billy sheepishly replied to the insult: "Okay, a simple wrong would've done just fine"

Greatest Funniest Movie Moments and Scenes
(alphabetical order, by film title)
Intro | A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J-K-L
M1 | M2 | N-O | P1 | P2 | Q-R | S1 | S2 | T | U-V-W-X-Y-Z

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