Greatest Film Scenes
and Moments

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)


Written by Tim Dirks

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Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)

In 'King of Nudies' director Russ Meyer's hard-core, low-budget, sex-ploitational cult film - a pro-feminist 'female empowerment' short epic popular with male audiences in grindhouse theatres, for its overly dramatic, trashy, semi-fantastical violent content (although with no overt nudity or extreme bloodshed!):

  • the narrator's (John Furlong) opening (voice-over) monologue: "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to violence, the word and the act. While violence cloaks itself in a plethora of disguises, its favorite mantle still remains - sex. Violence devours all it touches, its voracious appetite rarely fulfilled. Yet violence doesn't only destroy, it creates and molds as well. Let's examine closely then this dangerously evil creation, this new breed encased and contained within the supple skin of woman. The softness is there, the unmistakable smell of female, the surface shiny and silken, the body yielding yet wanton. But a word of caution: handle with care and don't drop your guard. This rapacious new breed prowls both alone and in packs, operating at any level, any time, anywhere, and with anybody. Who are they? One might be your secretary, your doctor's receptionist, or a dancer in a go-go club!"
  • the three main stars: buxom go-go dancers by night, who went on a murderous desert rampage by day in hot-rod sports cars:

    - the vivacious, hip-swiveling, bi-sexual blonde Billie (Lori Williams)

    - the masochistic and lesbian-leaning Rosie (Haji)

    - the villainous, tough, black-haired, masculine-acting, black leather-clad dominatrix lesbian bad-girl and skilled karate expert Varla (Tura Satana), with dominatrix boots, black bangs and cat-eye makeup, a tight totally-black outfit with significant breast-cleavage exposure, Kabuki-styled eyebrows
  • the 'cat-fight' at a lake between Billie and Rosie, first in the water and then nearby, including throwing sand in each other's faces
  • the encounter with a young couple on the salt flats: Tommy (Ray Barlow) and his timid, naive bikini-clad girlfriend Linda (Susan Bernard, December 1966 Playmate); cleancut racer boyfriend Tommy competed in a drag race on the salt flat race track against Varla and the others (and he lost when she cheated and he was run off the track by Varla and spun out); afterwards, Varla karate-chopped Tommy in the neck and lethally back-crunched and spine-cracked him, while Linda was kidnapped, drugged and taken hostage-captive after witnessing the murder
  • the gas station dialogue when the dumb attendant (Mickey Foxx) (while cleaning Varla's windshield) said he wanted to 'see' America - as he stared down at Varla's bounteous chest: "Just passing through, huh? Boy, that motor's sure hot! You gals really must have been moving on these little machines. Yes, sir, the thrill of the open road. New places, new people, and new sights of interest. Now that's what I believe in, seeing America first!"; Varla memorably growled back: "You won't find it down there, Columbus!"
  • Varla's threat to her evil companions that they were not only witnesses but accomplices to Tommy's murder, when Billie retorted back: "Oh, you're cute. Like a velvet glove cast in iron. And like the gas chamber, Varla, a real fun gal!"
  • the sequence of the trio's arrival (with hostage Linda) at the dilapidated ranch of a crippled, wheel-chair bound rich "old man" (Stuart Lancaster), the father of muscle-bound, dim-witted Vegetable (aka "Veggie") (Dennis Busch) and his more normal older son Kirk (Paul Trinka); the girls' intent was to steal the lascivious old man's alleged inheritance money hidden somewhere at the ranch
  • the scene of Billie's attempted seduction of the shirtless and clueless Vegetable, who was lifting weights, when she frustratingly yelled at him: "What you need now is a playmate. I may not be much in the muscle department, but I got a few things goin' for me too, you know. What you need is a manager. Yeah! Ten percent of your action be enough for anyone. I never took no course in anatomy, but from what I can see, you got two of everything - and some left over. I don't know what you're trainin' for, but as far as I'm concerned, you're ready. Look, me Jane, you Tarzan. Now why don't you drop that tree you're holding and let's grab a vine and swing a little, huh?"
  • the demise of Billie after she told the others that she was through with killing and that she was leaving them: ("Well, I hate to break up the act, girls, but I always did want to do a single. See you in church, huh?"); as she was walking away, Varla threw Rosie's switchblade knife a long-distance into her back as she cried out: "Much later, filly!" - Billie staggered and arched backward before falling dead to the ground; Varla also ran down the old man in his wheelchair with her car and killed him (revealing the money hidden in the seat), because he was a witness to Billie's death
Varla's Knife-Hurled Murder of Billie
  • when Rosie went to retrieve her knife from Billie's back, Vegetable assumed that she was responsible for Billie's death ("I'll give you the knife") and he knifed her to death - with three vicious stabs to her abdomen - she fell dead at his feet ("Your knife is yours to keep now"); when Varla saw her girlfriend Rosie dead with stab wounds, she vengefully ran down Vegetable and partially crushed him with her car against a wooden fence
  • in the film's violent conclusion out in the desert, during hand-to-hand combat between Varla and Kirk, Varla was gaining the upper-hand until Linda smashed into her with the ranch's jeep-truck and she soon died (with a clenched fist in the air about to strike); afterwards, Linda cried out hysterically: "I killed her like she was an animal. Like she was nothing!" - Kirk responded: "She was nothing, nothing human! A real Jekyll and Hyde. You saved my life, so stop cryin', huh?" As they were leaving, Linda asked: "Are you gonna just leave her there?", Kirk coldly replied: "Well, she's not goin' anywhere" - the film's last line

Racing Sports-Cars

Billie and Rosie's Cat-Fight

Tommy (Ray Barlow) and Linda (Susan Bernard) on Salt Flats

Gas Station Attendant: Staring at Varla's Chest

The Three Pussycats

Linda Kidnapped and Terrorized After Tommy's Murder

Varla's Murder of Wheel-Chaired "Old Man"

Vegetable's Knifing of Rosie

Varla vs. Kirk (Varla Run Down by Linda)

Varla Left Dead in the Desert


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